When the whole family gets together, it’s the perfect time for some updated family photos! Especially if you’ve added a new grandbaby to the group this year!
Melanie and Tom know that it gets rarer and rarer to have all three of their daughters home together, so they decided to take advantage of this holiday weekend by celebrating with a family photo shoot. It’s even harder to get everyone together when one of them lives in California! I was honored to be able to help them remember what this phase of their family life looks like. It’s full of babies and toddlers, dogs running around, and lots of laughter. I swear the entire crew could not stop smiling for one second!
As you can imagine, my ‘pregnant with a baby girl’ hormones had a hard time keeping it together with these three adorable little girls cheesing it up on the other side of my lens. And guess what? The family is welcoming their first BOY next year! The only guys in the family so far have had to marry in. A whole new ballgame is about to start for this crew. I cannot wait to watch them love on him as well as they love on each other already.
Big family sessions are some of my favorites because I understand how special they are. The older you get, the harder it can be to get photos taken. Life gets busy, people move away, and the sweet moments as a full family are fleeting. I vote everyone should take a page out of the Thornton’s book and bring a photographer to their backyard during family gathering. Plus, if your backyard is the Severn River then even more reason to go for it! I hope you guys are like me and cannot stop smiling when you look at these photos!
A huge THANK YOU to the Thornton crew for inviting me into this family weekend and help you document your lives!
[…] Carlyle House in downtown Alexandria for their annual family portraits! You may recognize them from a session I did a few weeks ago, but this time we had a whole hour to dedicate to just their family. I loved getting to see them […]